HOME PLANTS Beginners Guide -10 Tips of Buying Indoor Plants in Dubai

1.Always buy from a reputable source. A cheap purchase may prove expensive if the plant dies a few weeks later. 2.Never buy a houseplant that is displayed outside a shop. Such plants become Exposed to extreme heat of gulf region in summer or often intense sunlight. The damages might appear after few days. Indoor plants suffer most from excessive cold or heat. 3.Avoid buying plants that show signs of pests and diseases. The infected plants are never a success and may infect houseplants already in your home. Check above and under leaves, as well as on flowers and stems. Sometimes mealybugs may create a havoc if detected in time. 4. Never buy a plant with masses of roots growing out of drainage holes in the pot’s base. This indicates that the plant has been neglected and needs repotting. Additionally, growth may have been retarded. 5. When buying flowering plants, ensure there are plenty of flower buds waiting to open. Avoid plants that are in full fl...